Monday, December 16, 2013

Birthday Poem for Dad

All Bran and Beets
 (Happy Birthday 2013, Dad)

I would not eat the All Bran.
You said, “Sit there until you do.”
I sat. But would not eat.
I was late for kindergarten that day.
You finally brought me to school when it was painting time.
I walked away from you as I heard you explain to the teacher,
“A battle of wills.”
I thought I had won.

I would not eat the beets.
You said, “Sit there until you do.”
I sat. But would not eat.
Everyone left the table.
I finally took a bite because I wanted to watch Happy Days.
You came in baffled when I was finishing the plate.
“I like them.”
I thought I had won again.

What I won, I would not know.
Until I stood above a small child
And her plate of green beans.
A child who sat. But would not eat.
And I would think fondly
“A battle of wills.”
You made me strong.
Which made her strong.
Which means we all win.