Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I had written this in a notebook as an exercise in tandem with my Creative Writing students right after Spring Break. I read it again today when I had them share some of their polished poems. I didn't even really remember writing it, that's how hard the muse was moving my pen those few days after returning from Japan.


Walking through the arcade of Hiroshima's
Okonomiyaki district I am struck with

the sweet pang of remembrance of things past
our sweet first years of love

Began in a city in that same country
the flashing lights of pachinko parlors

The Mister Donuts sign marking the 
narrow stairs to my place of employment

The train station at the end of the arcade
marking the journey to yours

We went through the weeks together
though apart except for Friday

and Saturday nights when we prowled
the arcade starting first at the video store

Next to the movies or bowling alley
where we laughed at the dancing rabbit

Who told you that you sucked
at bowling, or got three strikes

in a row. Those days were 
filled with flashing lights and

Walking down a hill to a shopping
street and bar district where

our early dreams were made
and we sang songs together into the night

over beer and sake or hot cans from
vending machines. These are the 

images and textures conjured by the new 
shopping street, in a new century

where I walk next to a child 
born of the love first kindled in

Sasebo Shi.

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