Perhaps my life may only permit me to be a weekend blogger. And though it is quite late on a Sunday night, I do feel compelled to comment on two bits of nature that really took my breath away. The first was in the wee hours of the morning on Friday, actually. The moon was so enormous it felt as if I was walking toward some fabulous artist's science fiction matte painting. It still remains huge this evening. Apparently last night it was fuller and closer to the earth than usual, but we had snow last evening, so very cloudy skies. So I did only see the moon on the day before it was full and the day after it was full, but given the absolutely breath-taking sight it remains, I consider myself an optimist to have gotten to see even that. Perhaps I was just in a positive swing all weekend, because as I was taking the recycling out yesterday morning there was the lighest of snow falls. The kind where the snowflakes alight upon your cheeks like small feathers from a crystal bird. "Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes . . ." always seemed a dumb lyric to me until yesterday. And now, I must confess that those are among my favorite things, as well.
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