Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 This earned Fourth Place in the First Round of the NYC Midnight 100-word Fiction contest. That means I move on to round two!

42 - Fairy Tale and/or Fantasy / Removing armor / grant

It was dawn as Novitiate Ilyana reached the battlefield. Surveying the carnage she knew her task was daunting, perhaps futile.

Spirits rise only when hearts are set free

Remove the armor and grant amnesty

Mother Monika’s words echoed in her ears as she clamored down the rocky hill into a sea of prone men crushed in blood-smeared steel. Before sundown she must free all their souls. Gently, she cut the leather bindings of the closest soldier’s breastplate, her incantation soft as misty soul wisps surrounded her and rose skyward. Breathing deeply, she moved on to the next fallen warrior.